Monster Bar
侍酒令 , 妖怪酒馆 , Shi Jiu Ling , Yao Guai Jiu Guan , Order of the Sommelier (2022)
Unchained Love
浮图缘 , 浮圖緣 , Fu Tu Tower , Fu Tu Ta , Fu Tu Yuan , Floating on the Edge , Forbidden Love (2022)
My Lethal Man
对我而言危险的他 , 對我而言危險的他 , Dui Wo Er Yan Wei Xian De Ta , He Who is Dangerous to Me , A Dangerous Man (2023)
Kyumei Byoto 24Ji S3 (Emergency Room 24 Hours)
Utsukushiki Wana
In Spite of the Strong Wind
纵有疾风起 , Zong You Ji Feng Qi , If Spite of the Strong Wind (2023)
Love Marriage
연애결혼 ; Yeonae Kyeolhon , Date, Marry , Love Match , Match Maker`s Lover , Love and Marriage , Matchmaker’s Lover (2008)
Mystery Freshman
미스터리 신입생 , 神祕的新學生 , 神秘的新學生 , 神秘新生 , Miseuteori Sinibsaeng , Mysterious Freshman (2016)
My Uncanny Destiny
保护我方城主大人 , 保護我方城主大人 , Bao Hu Wo Fang Cheng Zhu Da Ren , Protect Our City Lord , My Dear Destiny (2023)
Monchouchou Globalhouse
연남동 글로벌하우스 , 몽슈슈 글로벌 하우스 , Yeonnamdong Geullobeolhauseu , Yeonnamdong Global House (2019)
Goukon ni Ittara Onna ga Inakatta Hanashi
合コンに行ったら女がいなかった話 ; The Story of How I Went to a Mixer and There Were No Women There , How I Attended an All-Guy`s Mixer (2022)
Takane no Hana-san 2
高嶺のハナさん2 , たかねのハナさん2 (2022)
My Future Sons In Law
三个千金一女婿 (2022)
Seishun Cinderella
青春シンデレラ , Seishun Shinderera , Cinderella with Youth (2022)
Happy Enemy
門當互懟愛上你 , 门当互怼爱上你 , Men Dang Hu Dui Ai Shang Ni (2022)
I've Walked Through the Love's Wilderness
茁剧场-走过爱的蛮荒 , 茁劇場-走過愛的蠻荒 , I’ve Walked Through the Love’s Wilderness (2022)
Yan Zhi's Romantic Story
心动的颜执 , 心動的顏執 , Xin Dong De Yan Zhi , Биение сердца Янь Чжи (2022)
Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami
腐男子バーテンダーの嗜み , 腐男子バーテンダーの嗜み(たしなみ), Fudanshi Batenda no Tashinami , Accomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender (2022)
Love by the River
河畔卿卿 (2014)
Koi to Dangan
恋と弾丸 , 恋と弾丸 Dangerous Lover , Romance and Bullets , Love and Bullets , Yakuza Lover , Dangerous Lover , Koi to Bullet (2022)
Soldier aka God of War
무신 , Military Official , Mushin , Soldier , Warrior K , God of War (2012)
Bridal Mask
각시탈 , Gaksital , Bridal Mask , Doll Mask , The Bridal Mask (2012)
Branding in Seongsu
브랜딩 인 성수동 , Beuraending in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsu-dong , Брендинг в Сонсу-доне (2024)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
San Guo Yan Yi, 三国演义 (三國演義 (1994)
Huo Yuanjia: the Rise of a Kung-fu Master
青年霍元甲之冲出江湖 , Qing Nian Huo Yuan Jia Zhi Chong Chu Jiang Hu (2017)
Jewel in the Palace
대장금 , Una Joya En El Palacio , Dae Jang Geum , Great Jang Geum (2003)
불새2020 , 불새 , Bul Sae , Bulsae , Bulsae 2020 , The Fire Bird , Phoenix - 2020 (2020)
Tree With Deep Roots
뿌리깊은 나무 , 根の深い木 , 樹大根深 , 树大根深 , Bburigipeun Namu , Deep-rooted Tree , Deep Rooted Tree , A Tree With Deep Roots , ඩීප් රූටඩ් ට්රී , شجرة ذات جذور عميقة (2011)
Fangs of Fortune
The Story of Mystics , Bai Ze Ling , Da Meng Gui Li , 白澤令 , 白泽令 , 大夢歸離 (2024)
传家 , Chuan Jia , The Heritage (2022)