GO Into Your Heart
舍我其谁 , 舍我棋谁 , 舍我其誰 , She Wo Qi Shui , Who To Give Away , If I Can`t Do It, Who Can? , Who But Myself Can Do It? , Chess Love , Шахматная любовь (2021)
The Great Seducer
위대한 유혹자 , Widaehan Yoohokja , Dangerous Liaisons , Untold Scandal , Love Game: The Great Seduction , The Great Seduction , Untold Scandal , The Great Tempter , Tempted (2018)
麻雀 , Ma Que (2016)
My Sassy Wife
我家娘子不好惹 , Wo Jia Niang Zi Bu Hao Re , Ngo Ga Neung Ji Bat Hou Ye (2024)
Love is Beautiful
对你的爱很美 , 我的两个爸爸 , Wo De Liang Ge Ba Ba , Dui Ni De Ai Hen Mei , My Two Fathers , My Two Dads (2021)
Police Beauty & K9
Jing Hua Yu Jing Quan , Ging Fa Yue Ging Huen , 警花與警犬, 警花与警犬 (2016)
Stand or Fall
闪耀的她 , 閃耀的她 , 奔三那年 , 她只是不想输 , Ta Zhi Shi Bu Xiang Shu , Ben San Na Nian , Shan Yao De Ta (2023)
Once We Get Married
只是结婚的关系 , Zhi Shi Jie Hun De Guan Xi , Just Married Relationship (2021)
Lost Love in Times
醉玲珑 , Zui Ling Long , Drunken Exquisiteness (2017)
Scent of Plum
梅花儿香 , 梅花兒香 , Mei Hua Er Xiang , Аромат сливы (2017)
The Lost Tomb 2
盗墓笔记II , 盗墓笔记第二季 , The Lost Tomb II , Daomu Biji 2 , Tomb Notes 2 , The Lost Tomb Explore With The Note , The Lost Tomb 2: The Wrath of The Sea (2019)
Father is Strange
아버지가 이상해 , お父さんが変 , 爸爸好奇怪 , Abeojiga Isanghae , Father is Weird , My Father is Strange , Дивний батько , Papá está extraño (2017)
Be With You
Empress Chun Chu
To Advance Toward the Fire
向著炮火前進 , 向着炮火前进 , Xiang Zhe Pao Huo Qian Jin , Advancing Under the Fire , Вперед в пламя (2012)
Ming Dynasty 2019
大明风华 , 大明皇妃孙若薇传 , Da Ming Huang Fei Zhi Zhuan Qi Sun Ruo Wei , Da Ming Huang Fei Sun Ruo Wei Zhuan , Da Ming Feng Hua , Empress of the Ming: Legend of Sun Ruowei (2019)
I'll Give You The Stars and The Moon
별도 달도 따줄게 ; Moon and Stars For You , Byeoldo Daldo Ddajoolge (2012)
Dondo Hare
Hot-Blooded Youth
热血少年 , 租界少年热血档案 , Re Xie Shao Nian , Zu Jie Shao Nian Re Xie Dang An , The Files of Teenagers in the Concession (2019)
The World of the Married
부부의 세계 , Bubuui Segye , Boobooui Sekye , The World of a Married Couple , The World of Husband and Wife , The Couple`s World , Couple`s World , World of Couples , The World of Couples , The World of the Couple , A Married Couple`s World , T (2020)
Soldier aka God of War
무신 , Military Official , Mushin , Soldier , Warrior K , God of War (2012)
Bridal Mask
각시탈 , Gaksital , Bridal Mask , Doll Mask , The Bridal Mask (2012)
Branding in Seongsu
브랜딩 인 성수동 , Beuraending in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsu-dong , Брендинг в Сонсу-доне (2024)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
San Guo Yan Yi, 三国演义 (三國演義 (1994)
Huo Yuanjia: the Rise of a Kung-fu Master
青年霍元甲之冲出江湖 , Qing Nian Huo Yuan Jia Zhi Chong Chu Jiang Hu (2017)
Jewel in the Palace
대장금 , Una Joya En El Palacio , Dae Jang Geum , Great Jang Geum (2003)
불새2020 , 불새 , Bul Sae , Bulsae , Bulsae 2020 , The Fire Bird , Phoenix - 2020 (2020)
Tree With Deep Roots
뿌리깊은 나무 , 根の深い木 , 樹大根深 , 树大根深 , Bburigipeun Namu , Deep-rooted Tree , Deep Rooted Tree , A Tree With Deep Roots , ඩීප් රූටඩ් ට්රී , شجرة ذات جذور عميقة (2011)
Fangs of Fortune
The Story of Mystics , Bai Ze Ling , Da Meng Gui Li , 白澤令 , 白泽令 , 大夢歸離 (2024)
传家 , Chuan Jia , The Heritage (2022)