Hana Yori Dango
花より男子 , Boys Before Flowers , Boys Over Flowers (2005)
The Flatterer
아부쟁이 얍! , Aboohaengi (2015)
Sassy, Go Go
발칙하게 고고 , Jigeumbooteo , Chieoeob , Daringly Go Go , From Now On , Cheer Up , Starting Now , Cheer Up! , Cheeky Go Go , Cheer Up! , Insolently Go Go (2015)
Love Sick: The Series
รักวุ่น วัยรุ่นแสบ , Love Sick The Series , Love Sick - The Series (2014)
JK wa Yuki Onna
JKは雪女 , ジェイケイ はゆきおんな , ジェーケー はゆきおんな , JK는 설녀 , JK是雪女 , JK is a Snow Woman , JK is Yukime (2015)
Hormones วัยว้าวุ่น , Wai Wa Wun , Hormones: The Confusing Teens , Hormones The Series , Hormones: The series (2013)
Omotesando Koukou Gasshoubu!
Kamen Rider Drive
仮面ライダードライブ , Kamen Raida Doraibu , Masked Rider Drive , Kamen Driver Drive (2014)
A Better Tomorrow
최고의 미래 , Choigoeui Mirae , Choi Go Eui Mi Rae , The Best Future (2014)
We Broke Up
우리 헤어졌어요 , 私たちの別れました , 我們分手了 , Uri Heeojyeosseoyo (2015)
Innocent Lilies 2
白魔女学園 オワリトハジマリ , 白魔女学園2 , Shiro Majo Gakuen Owari to Hajimari , Shiromajo Gakuen Season 2 , Shiromajo Gakuen S2 , Shiromajo Gakuen 2 , Innocent Lilies Season 2 , Innocent Lilies S2 , Innocent Lilies: The End and the Beginning (2015)
Who Are You: School 2015
후아유: 학교 2015 , Hooayoo: Hakgyo 2015 , Quien eres: Escuela 2015 , School 6 , School 2015 , Who Are You (2015)
Answer Me
응답하라 1994 , Eungdabhara 1994 , Answer Me 1994 , Respond 1994 , Answer To 1994 , Respond To 1994 , Contéstame 1994 , Reply 1994 (2013)
Grow Up
Ying Ye 3+1
櫻野3加1 , 樱野3加1 , My Best Pals , Ying Ye 3 Jia 1 (2007)
Persevere, Goo Hae Ra
칠전팔기 구해라 , 칠전팔기, 구해라 , Chiljunphalgi Goo Hae Ra , Chiljeonpalgi Gu Hae Ra , Chiljunphalgi, Goo Hae Ra , Sing Again Goo Hae Ra , Sing Again, Hera Gu , Indomitable Spirit Goo Hae Ra , Indomitable Spirit, Goo Hae Ra , Perseverance Goo Haera , (2015)
Why Can't Seiya Toudoin (Age 16) Get a Girlfriend
Itazura Na Kiss 2 ~ Love In Tokyo
I'm Sorry Youth!
ごめんね青春!, ごめんねせいしゅん! , 對不起青春!, 미안해 청춘! , Gomenne Seishun! , Gomen ne Seishun! , Sorry Youth! , Regret from My School Days , Saving My Stupid Youth (2014)
Hammer Session!
ハンマーセッション! (2010)
Bridal Mask
각시탈 , Gaksital , Bridal Mask , Doll Mask , The Bridal Mask (2012)
Branding in Seongsu
브랜딩 인 성수동 , Beuraending in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsu-dong , Брендинг в Сонсу-доне (2024)
Jewel in the Palace
대장금 , Una Joya En El Palacio , Dae Jang Geum , Great Jang Geum (2003)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
San Guo Yan Yi, 三国演义 (三國演義 (1994)
Huo Yuanjia: the Rise of a Kung-fu Master
青年霍元甲之冲出江湖 , Qing Nian Huo Yuan Jia Zhi Chong Chu Jiang Hu (2017)
불새2020 , 불새 , Bul Sae , Bulsae , Bulsae 2020 , The Fire Bird , Phoenix - 2020 (2020)
Fangs of Fortune
The Story of Mystics , Bai Ze Ling , Da Meng Gui Li , 白澤令 , 白泽令 , 大夢歸離 (2024)
My Too Perfect Sons
솔약국집 아들들 , ソル薬局の息子たち , 松藥局的兒子們 , 松药店的儿子们 , 一屋叉燒的家庭 , Solyakgukjip Adeuldeul , The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House (2009)
Tree With Deep Roots
뿌리깊은 나무 , 根の深い木 , 樹大根深 , 树大根深 , Bburigipeun Namu , Deep-rooted Tree , Deep Rooted Tree , A Tree With Deep Roots , ඩීප් රූටඩ් ට්රී , شجرة ذات جذور عميقة (2011)
As Beautiful As You
你比星光美丽 , i Bi Xing Guang Mei Li , Ni Ru Beijing Mei Li , Ni Ru Bei Jing Mei Li , 你如北京美丽 , 你比星光美麗 , 你如北京美麗 , You Are More Beautiful Than Starlight (2024)