The Burning River
迷雾追踪 , Mi Wo Zhui Zong , Tracking through Fog (2020)
Mystery of Antiques III
古董局中局之掠宝清单 , 古董局中局Ⅲ , Gu Dong Ju Zhong Ju Zhi Liang Bao Qing Dan , Gu Dong Ju Zhong Ju Ⅲ , Mystery of Antiques 3 , List of Antiquities , Antique Bureau Midgame (2021)
Onna no Sensou: Bachelor Satsujin Jiken
女の戦争~バチェラー殺人事件~ , Onna no Senso: Bachelor Satsujin Jiken , Onna no Senso: Bachera Satsujin Jiken , Women`s War: Bachelor Murder Case (2021)
Black Scandal
ブラックスキャンダル , Burakku Sukyandaru (2018)
Lover or Stranger
陌生的恋人 , Mo Sheng De Lian Ren , Lover Who is a Stranger , Strange Lover , Unfamiliar Lover (2021)
Aibou: Season 9
相棒 シーズン9 , Aibou 9 , Aibo 9 , Partners 9 , Partners S9 , Partners Season 9 , Partners: Season 9 (2010)
The Secret of Love
不能恋爱的秘密 , Bu Neng Lian Ai De Mi Mi , The Secret of Not Falling in Love (2021)
Re: Na mo Naki Sekai no End Roll: Half A Year Later
Re:名も無き世界のエンドロール ~Half a year later~ , Re: The End of the Tiny World: Half A Year Later , Re: Na mo Na ki Sekai no Endo Roru ~Half a year later~ (2021)
Yorita Asahi no Hoteishiki
Yorita Asahi`s Equation , 頼田朝日の方程式。-最凶の授業- (2020)
Bokura no Yuuki
Our Courage , Keys to the City - The Kids are in Charge , Bokura no Yuki, ぼくらの勇気 (1997)
Meiji Kaika: Shinjuro Tanteicho
Meiji Sherlock Holmes , Meiji Kaika Ango Torimono Jo, 明治開化 安吾捕物帖 0
Miss Monte-Cristo
미스 몬테크리스토 , Miseu Montekeuliseuto , Miseu Montekeuriseuto , Miss Montecristo (2021)
Tokusou 9: Season 4
特捜9 season4 , Tokusou Nine: Season 4 (2021)
The Rebel
叛逆者 , Pan Ni Zhe (2021)
RISKY~復讐は罪の味~ , Risky: Fukushuu wa Tsumi no Aji (2021)
Ugly Beauty
皮囊之下 , Pi Nang Zhi Xia (2021)
The Big Bug
继承者计划 ; Ji Cheng Zhe Ji Hua (2018)
Mysterious Love
他在逆光中告白 , 半吟 , Ta Zai Ni Guang Zhong Gao Bai , Bun Yam , Ban Yin (2021)
Proof of Identity
身份的证明 , Shen Fen De Zheng Ming (2009)
The Dance of the Storm
风暴舞 , Feng Bao Wu , The Storm , Dancing in the Storm (2021)
Soldier aka God of War
무신 , Military Official , Mushin , Soldier , Warrior K , God of War (2012)
Bridal Mask
각시탈 , Gaksital , Bridal Mask , Doll Mask , The Bridal Mask (2012)
Branding in Seongsu
브랜딩 인 성수동 , Beuraending in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsu-dong , Брендинг в Сонсу-доне (2024)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
San Guo Yan Yi, 三国演义 (三國演義 (1994)
Huo Yuanjia: the Rise of a Kung-fu Master
青年霍元甲之冲出江湖 , Qing Nian Huo Yuan Jia Zhi Chong Chu Jiang Hu (2017)
Jewel in the Palace
대장금 , Una Joya En El Palacio , Dae Jang Geum , Great Jang Geum (2003)
불새2020 , 불새 , Bul Sae , Bulsae , Bulsae 2020 , The Fire Bird , Phoenix - 2020 (2020)
Tree With Deep Roots
뿌리깊은 나무 , 根の深い木 , 樹大根深 , 树大根深 , Bburigipeun Namu , Deep-rooted Tree , Deep Rooted Tree , A Tree With Deep Roots , ඩීප් රූටඩ් ට්රී , شجرة ذات جذور عميقة (2011)
Fangs of Fortune
The Story of Mystics , Bai Ze Ling , Da Meng Gui Li , 白澤令 , 白泽令 , 大夢歸離 (2024)
传家 , Chuan Jia , The Heritage (2022)