The Penthouse 2: War in Life
펜트하우스2 , 펜트하우스 II , 펜트하우스 시즌2 , Penteu Hauseu 2 , Penteuhauseu Sijeun 2 , The Penthouse S2 , The Penthouse Season 2 , The Penthouse: War in Life 2 , The Penthouse Ⅱ : War In Life (2021)
Kansatsui Asagao 2
監察医 朝顔2 , Inspector Doctor Morning Glory 2 , Medical Examiner Asagao 2 , Asagao: Forensic Doctor 2 (2020)
Mon Garn Bandan Ruk
มนตร์กาลบันดาลรัก (2019)
Tawan Arb Dao
ตะวันอาบดาว , Sun Immersed in the Star (2020)
Chocolate War
チョコレート戦争 , チョコレート戦争〜朝に道を聞かば夕べに死すとも可なり〜 , チョコレートせんそう (2020)
Funohan , Impossibility Defense, 不能犯 0
Plerng Rissaya
เพลิงริษยา (2019)
Lunch Gokon Tantei - Koi to Gurume to Nazotoki to
ランチ合コン探偵〜恋とグルメと謎解きと〜 , Lunch Goukon Tantei , Lunch Matchmaking Private Detective , The Lunchtime Detective (2020)
YAOH - King of the Night
Night King , YAOH, 夜王(やおう) (2006)
Shi to no Yakusoku
死との約束 , Promise of Death , Promise with Death (2021)
Wang Nang Hong
วังนางโหง (2017)
Hamura Akira - Sekai de Mottomo Fuunna Tantei
ハムラアキラ~世界で最も不運な探偵~ , Akira Hamura: The World’s Most Unfortunate Private Investigator (2020)
Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Hi ni: Season 1
君と世界が終わる日に1 , With You on the Day the World Ends Season 1 , With You on the Day the World Ends S1 , With You on the Day the World Ends 1 , On the Day You and the World Ends Season 1 , On the Day You and the World Ends S1 , On the Day You and th (2021)
Schrodinger's Cat
The Forgotten Day
失憶24小時 , Say Lie , Shi Yi 24 Xiao Shi , Sat Yik 24 Siu Si , 失忆24小时 (2021)
Roy Arkart
Trails of Hatred, รอยอาฆาต (2019)
Young Sherlock
少年神探狄仁杰 , Shao Nian Shen Tan Di Ren Jie , Youth of Detective Dee (2014)
Love You Thousands of Silk
Love you, Countless ties, 愛你 萬縷千絲 (2015)
Ranmaru Kami no Shita wo Motsu Otoko
神の舌を持つ男 , かみのしたをもつおとこ , 擁有神之舌的男人 , 神舌之男 , Kami no Shita wo Motsu Otoko , Man Who Has God`s Tongue , Ranmaru: The Man with the God Tongue (2016)
L.U.C.A.: The Beginning
루카: 더 비기닝 , 루카 , Luka , Last Universal Common Ancestor , Luca (2021)
Soldier aka God of War
무신 , Military Official , Mushin , Soldier , Warrior K , God of War (2012)
Aogeba Toutoushi
仰げば尊し , Aogeba Toutoshi (2016)
Love in the Air
บรรยากาศรัก เดอะซีรีส์ , พายุรักโถมใจ , พระพายหมายฟ้า , Banyakat Rak the Series , Love Storm , Love Sky (2022)
Lovely Writer
นับสิบจะจูบ , Nubsib , Napsipchachu , Nap Sip Ja Joop , Nap Sip Cha Chup , Nubsib The Series , Nubsib Will Kiss , Dozens to Kiss , Lovely Writer The Series , Count to Ten to Kiss , Count to Ten and I`ll Kiss You (2021)
Branding in Seongsu
브랜딩 인 성수동 , Beuraending in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsu-dong , Брендинг в Сонсу-доне (2024)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
San Guo Yan Yi, 三国演义 (三國演義 (1994)
Bridal Mask
각시탈 , Gaksital , Bridal Mask , Doll Mask , The Bridal Mask (2012)
Jewel in the Palace
대장금 , Una Joya En El Palacio , Dae Jang Geum , Great Jang Geum (2003)
The Golden Eyes
黄金瞳官微 , Golden Eyes , Golden Pupil , 黄金瞳 , Huáng Jīn Tóng , 黃金瞳 (2019)
Gegege no Nyobo