The Eight Fairies
Take Two
換命真相 , 换命真相 , 逆襲人生 , Huan Ming Zhen Xiang , Wun Ming Jan Seung , Life-Changing Truth (2021)
Bite Sisters
바이트 씨스터즈 , Baiteu Ssiseuteojeu (2021)
The Witch Store
Welcome to The Witch Store;Eoseooseyo;manyeosangjeom ;Welcome;Witch Shop;The Witch Shop Pilot (2019)
New Madam White Snake
新白蛇传 , New Legend of White Snake (2021)
A Touch On Your Cheek
네 볼에 터치 , [웹툰 X 웹드라마] 네 볼에 터치 (2017)
See You Again (2021 Oct)
为你千千万万遍 , 為你千千萬萬遍 , Wei Ni Qian Qian Wan Wan Bian , Увидимся снова (2021)
Dear Diary
我的巴比伦恋人 , 爱在三千七百多年前 , Ai在西元前 , Ai Zai Xi Yuan Qian , Ai Zai San Qian Qi Bai Duo Nian Qian , Wo De Ba Bi Lun Lian Ren , Love Was More Than 3,700 Years Ago (2021)
Immortal Goddess
My Dear Brothers
亲爱的吾兄 , 親愛的吾兄 , Qin Ai De Wu Xiong , Chan Ngoi Di Ng Hing (2021)
Demon Catcher Zhong Kui
鍾馗捉妖記 , 钟馗捉妖记 (2018)
Lovers of the Red Sky
홍천기 , 紅天機 , Hong Cheon Ki , Hong Cheon Gi , Hong Chun Ki , Hong Chun Gi , Red Sky , السماء الحمراء (2021)
Tale of the Nine Tailed: An Unfinished Story
구미호뎐 : 못다한 이야기 , Gumihodyeon: Mosdahan Iyagi (2021)
Love in Black Hole
러브 인 블랙홀 , Leobeu In Beullaeghol , Reobeu In Beullaeghol , Любовь в чёрной дыре (2021)
Legend of the Demigods
搜神傳 (2008)
The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim
우수무당 가두심 , 소녀무당 가두심 , Sonyeomudang Gadooshim , Sonyeomudang Gadushim , Usumudang Gadooshim , Usumudang Ga Du Sim , Shaman Girl Ga Doo Shim , Girl Shaman Ga Doo Shim , Superior Shaman Ga Doo Shim , Excellent Shaman Ga Doo Shim (2021)
Bushi-Stant Aisaka-kun!
武士スタント逢坂くん!, Bushi-Stant Aisakakun , Bushi Sutanto Aisaka-kun! (2021)
Heart Attack
하트어택 , Hateueotaeg , Hateueotaek , Сердечный приступ (2020)
Sweet Sweet
住在我对面的小哥哥 , 住在我對面的小哥哥 , Zhu Zai Wo Dui Mian De Xiao Ge Ge , Jyu Joi Ngo Deui Min Di Siu Go Go (2021)
Devastating Beauty
傾世妖顏 , 倾世妖颜 , Qing Shi Yao Yan (2018)
Umechan Sensei
Gegege no Nyobo
Sweet Enemy
달콤한 원수 , Dalkomhan Wonsoo , Sweet Revenge (2017)
The Longest Day in Chang'an
长安十二时辰 , Chang An Shi Er Shi Chen , The Longest Day in Chang An (2019)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
San Guo Yan Yi, 三国演义 (三國演義 (1994)
Airborne Blade
空降利刃 , San Bing Hun , Airborne Spirit , KongJiang LiRen , 锅盖头、伞兵魂 , Guō gàitou, sǎnbīng hún , Guo GaiTou, SanBing Hun , Guo Gai Tou , 锅盖头 , 伞兵魂 , Paratrooper Spirit (2019)
The Deer and the Cauldron
鹿鼎记 , Lu Ding Ji , The Duke and the Cauldron , Duke of Mount Deer (2014)
Branding in Seongsu
브랜딩 인 성수동 , Beuraending in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsu-dong , Брендинг в Сонсу-доне (2024)
Blanket Cats
Wonderful Mama