Devil Inspector
Evil Detectives , Mischievous Detectives , Akdong Detective , Rebel Detectives , Bad Boy Detective, Evil Detectives , Mischievous Detectives , Akdong Detective , Rebel Detectives , Bad Boy Detective (2017)
Mirror Twins 2
ミラー・ツインズ2 , Mira Tsuinzu Season 2 (2019)
Our Unwinding Ethos
十二傳說 , Twelve Legends (2019)
Keiji Zero
刑事ゼロ , Detective Zero (2019)
AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo: Season 17
Mad Dog
매드독 , Maedeudok , Maedeu Dog (2017)
Bull Doctor
ブルドクター (2011)
Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation
櫻子さんの足下には死体が埋まっている , Sakurako-san , Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru , A Corpse is Buried Under Sakurako`s Feet (2017)
The Devil
마왕 , Mawang , Lucifer , Satan , Devil Times , The Lucifer (2007)
Kiraware Kansatsukan Otonashi Ichiroku
嫌われ監察官 音無一六 , きらわれかんさつかん おとなしいちろく , Hateful Inspector Otonashi Ichiroku , Disliked Inspector Otonashi Ichiroku (2022)
Tokumei! Keishicho Tokubetsu Kaikeigakari
トクメイ!警視庁特別会計係 , トクメイ けいしちょうとくべつかいけいがかり , 特命!警視廳特別會計員 , Tokumei! Keishichou Tokubetsu Kaikeigakari , Tokumei! Metropolitan Police Department Special Accounts Section , Special Order! Metro Police Special Accounting Department , Особое распоряжен (2023)
Hakubo no Chronicle
白暮のクロニクル , Hakubo no Kuronikuru , Chronicle of White Dawn (2024)
Chief Detective 1958
수사반장 1958 , 수사반장: 더 비기닝 , 수사반장 1963 , 搜查班長1958 , Susabanjang 1958 , Chief Investigator 1963 , Chief Inspector: The Beginning , Chief of Investigation , Chief Investigator , Chief Inspector 1963 , Chief of Investigation 1963 , Дорама Главны (2024)
Medical Examiner Dr. Qin 2: Scavenger
法医秦明2: 清道夫 , 法醫秦明2清道夫 , 法医秦明2清道夫 , 法医秦明II , 法医秦明 第二季 , Fai Yi Qin Ming II , Fai Yi Qin Ming 2 , Faat Yi Cheun Ming II , Faat Yi Cheun Ming 2 , Medical Examiner Dr. Qin 2 (2018)
Innai Keisatsu
院内警察 , 院内警察~アスクレピオスの蛇~ , Innai Keisatsu: Asclepius no Hebi , Innai Keisatsu: Asukurepiosu no Hebi , Hospital Police Force (2024)
Flex X Cop
재벌X형사 , 골드스푼 , 财阀X刑警 , Goldeuseupun , ChaebolXHyeongsa , Gold Spoon , Chaebol X Detective , FlexxCop , Чеболь против детектива (2024)
White Cat Legend
大理寺少卿游 , 大理寺日志 , Da Li Si Shao Qing You , Da Li Si Ri Zhi , Dali Temple Shaoqing Tour , Dali Temple Log , Da Li Temple Shao Qing Tour , The Journal of Dali Temple , Легенда о Белом коте (2024)
Shin Kuukou Senkyo
新空港占拠 , XXX占拠 , XXX Senkyo , Shin Kuko Senkyo , The Beast Dreams of Flying in the Sky , Occupation of New Airport (2024)
Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee
大唐狄公案 , Da Tang Qiu Gong An , Judge Dee`s Mystery , Judge Di`s Mystery (2024)
A Killer Paradox
살인자o난감 , 살인자ㅇ난감 , 殺人者o難堪 , Murderer o Nangam , Sarinjaonangam , SarinjaㅇNangam , Murder DIEary , Murderous Toy , The Murderer and the Toy , The Murderer & the Toy , Дневник убийцы (2024)
Branding in Seongsu
브랜딩 인 성수동 , Beuraending in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsudong , Branding in Seongsu-dong , Брендинг в Сонсу-доне (2024)
Huo Yuanjia: the Rise of a Kung-fu Master
青年霍元甲之冲出江湖 , Qing Nian Huo Yuan Jia Zhi Chong Chu Jiang Hu (2017)
My Too Perfect Sons
솔약국집 아들들 , ソル薬局の息子たち , 松藥局的兒子們 , 松药店的儿子们 , 一屋叉燒的家庭 , Solyakgukjip Adeuldeul , The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House (2009)
As Beautiful As You
你比星光美丽 , i Bi Xing Guang Mei Li , Ni Ru Beijing Mei Li , Ni Ru Bei Jing Mei Li , 你如北京美丽 , 你比星光美麗 , 你如北京美麗 , You Are More Beautiful Than Starlight (2024)
Bridal Mask
각시탈 , Gaksital , Bridal Mask , Doll Mask , The Bridal Mask (2012)
Jewel in the Palace
대장금 , Una Joya En El Palacio , Dae Jang Geum , Great Jang Geum (2003)
불새2020 , 불새 , Bul Sae , Bulsae , Bulsae 2020 , The Fire Bird , Phoenix - 2020 (2020)
Old Fashion Cupcake
オールドファッションカップケーキ , オールドファッションカップケーキ with カプチーノ , Old-fashioned Cupcake , Old-fashioned Cupcake in My Picnic , Old-fashioned Cupcake with Cappuccino , Old-fashioned Cupcake with Karaage (2022)
Mo Dai Huang Sun
末代皇孙 (1992)
Private Lives
사생활 , Sasaenghwal , Personal Life , Private Life , Privacy (2020)