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Shine on You


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A businessman KAR TSAI CHOI (Au YEUNG CHUN WAH, BOBBY) is suddenly appointed the headmaster of a low-ranked middle school by his boss CHOI has to face problems from students, teachers, and the dreadful reputation of the school. He also has to cut expenditure to fix the financial crisis.Teaching staff TSANG CHING LEUNG (DAO TAI YU, MICHAEL) and WONG YEUK SZE (KWOK HO YING, KENIX) are the first two to be sacked. LEUNG thinks that teaching would give him an easy life. Unlike LEUNG, SZE has a very strong commitment to education. The three have different views on school matters, which push them into constant conflicts. But along the way, caretaker KAR WAH BIU (CHUN PUI, PAUL) has made a crucial contribution to the developoment of their relationship. With the efforts, everyone becomes united as never before. Unexpectedly, there is a rumor that the school is going to close
Watch Shine on You English sub, Shine on You 30/30 Episode, Shine on You Episode 31, Shine on You Episode 32, Shine on You Episode 33, Shine on You Episode 34, Shine on You Episode 35, Shine on You Episode 36, Shine on You Episode 37, Shine on You Episode 38, Watch English Sub, Episode 31, Episode 32, Episode 33, Episode 34