Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart
Sampatan Hua Jai, สัมปทานหัวใจ (0)
Movie content
On her way to sign a business contract, Rattawan was kidnapped along with her son by two men who took her to an island and tried to rape and kill her. However, she was saved by the owner of the island, Naboon. Both did not trust one another during her stay there but walls came down when Rattawan decides to tell Naboon her true identity. Feelings starts to develop between Naboon and Rattawan but they must restrain themselves because afterall, Rattawan is still married. All Naboon can do is be worry from afar and give her moral support. Naboon promises her that she and her son will be protected and decides to send her home to Bangkok to figure out if her suspicion of her husband being the mastermind behind her trying to get her killed was true or not. Naboon being worried for Rattawan tells his people to go stay with her to keep her company and protected, while he goes to Bangkok to perform his duty as head of Nara hotel as well. What happens when Rattawan comes face to face with her husband back in Bangkok who she believes tried to kill her? How will Rattawan and Naboon's relationship be when she is still married to her husband and Naboon’s ex-wife also enters the picture?
Watch Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart English sub, Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart 32/32 Episode, Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart Episode 33, Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart Episode 34, Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart Episode 35, Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart Episode 36, Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart Episode 37, Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart Episode 38, Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart Episode 39, Occupied Heart , Concession of the Heart Episode 40, Watch Sampatan Hua Jai, สัมปทานหัวใจ English Sub, Sampatan Hua Jai, สัมปทานหัวใจ Episode 33, Sampatan Hua Jai, สัมปทานหัวใจ Episode 34, Sampatan Hua Jai, สัมปทานหัวใจ Episode 35, Sampatan Hua Jai, สัมปทานหัวใจ Episode 36