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The drama series is based on the manga and anime of the same name, both created by Fujisawa Tohru. The story is a sequel of lesser knownseries Shounan Jun'ai-gumi (Shounan Love Gang) where Onizuka Eikichi's rogue high school days are depicted. Sorimachi Takashi plays Onizuka Eikichi, a graduate of a third-rate University and the leader of a motorcycle gang, whose lifelong dream is to become a teacher. After being hired by a seemingly eccentric director, Onizuka begins his unconventional way of teaching a hopeless group of troublemakers. Although he meets much opposition from the students and teachers themselves, his passion for teaching, and more importantly, his students, eventually convinces everyone that Onizuka truly has the makings of a great teacher.
Watch GTO English sub, GTO 12/12 Episode, GTO Episode 13, GTO Episode 14, GTO Episode 15, GTO Episode 16, GTO Episode 17, GTO Episode 18, GTO Episode 19, GTO Episode 20, Watch English Sub, Episode 13, Episode 14, Episode 15, Episode 16