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Eight Heroes

八大豪俠 , 八大豪侠 , Ba Da Hao Xia , The Eight Heroes , Восемь героев (2005)

Movie content

The story is set in ancient China during the Southern Song Dynasty. Emperor Gaozong is deceived by the treacherous premier Qin Hui and he puts the patriotic general Yue Fei to death. Qin Hui's supporters dominate the imperial court, leading to widespread corruption in the government. Some righteous ministers oppose Qin Hui, but do not dare to challenge him directly, so they form the secret organization Haoxia to undermine his influence. Eight people with special skills and abilities receive invitations to join Haoxia and their heroic quest begins. The plot's development is based on several loosely-connected subplots and short stories, and ends with a grand finale of a showdown between the heroes and Qin Hui's forces.
Watch Eight Heroes English sub, Eight Heroes 40/40 Episode, Eight Heroes Episode 41, Eight Heroes Episode 42, Eight Heroes Episode 43, Eight Heroes Episode 44, Eight Heroes Episode 45, Eight Heroes Episode 46, Eight Heroes Episode 47, Eight Heroes Episode 48, Watch 八大豪俠 , 八大豪侠 , Ba Da Hao Xia , The Eight Heroes , Восемь героев English Sub, 八大豪俠 , 八大豪侠 , Ba Da Hao Xia , The Eight Heroes , Восемь героев Episode 41, 八大豪俠 , 八大豪侠 , Ba Da Hao Xia , The Eight Heroes , Восемь героев Episode 42, 八大豪俠 , 八大豪侠 , Ba Da Hao Xia , The Eight Heroes , Восемь героев Episode 43, 八大豪俠 , 八大豪侠 , Ba Da Hao Xia , The Eight Heroes , Восемь героев Episode 44
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